Sunday, April 15, 2007


The essay i will write my reflective piece on is Driving with Dad. I feel that this is the story i worked the most on and feel the closest to. I guess the general point is in the fact that writing this story i realized what my relationship with my father is like from a general honest point of view as in this is how it is/was/will be. There's no made up parts, its all the truth without trying to make anyone look like someone they are not. My point is honesty to myself and admitting things despite my lack of wanting to. I dont know what i will use for an organizing principle.


Mauren Kadash said...

I think its a good choice to choose the story that you worked hardest on to write about in youe refective essy. Was this a difficult esasy for you to write? I mean exploring your realtionship with your father. I also chose the essay that I worked the hardest on---the one that was the most difficult for me to write. I think it was more work in then sense thta it was so difficult for me to write. I think there is potentially more reflection when the material was difficult to write or required more effort.

S. Chandler said...

Hmm. Organizing principle. Maybe something to do with "honesty to myself and admitting things despite my lack of wanting to know" - you could focus on how this essay did that? Did you get close to anything you didn't want to know (or tell)? Was it hard to be honest? I know that sounds more like focus - but if you find a focus, the organization can't be far behind.