Wednesday, May 2, 2007


What will I do with my writing now?

Now that I have experienced what it is to write freely about myself and my life I will definetly reevaluate the way I write anything ever again. I intend on becoming an english teacher and I know that i will use my experience in this class as a part of my life as an educator. I dont know exactly how, but i do want to incorporate writing into the lives of as many people as i can. I hope that i can find time now to work on writing stories i am still trying to figure out such as my Carter story. I would definetly like to finish writing that piece and discover what it is i learned from the experience itself and the experience of writing about it. Other than that i cant quite say where my writing will take me or who my writing will effect if anyone at all, i just hope it eventually does both.

1 comment:

S. Chandler said...

I think taking writing into the lives of as many people as possible is a admirable goal, and I would like to confess that it is also one of my goals. Working on the Carter piece is also an important goal. Writing - even if it is just for yourself - can help make the world make more sense. keep in touch. I'd love to read another draft.